Blog Marketing – Practice Makes Profits

by | Oct 15, 2013 | Blog


Thinking of starting a blog for marketing your business?

Don’t know where to start?

You’re going to have to start anyways. It’s hard to know what’s going to gain you traction before you start. Sure there are lots of ideas others can give you, but every niche is different. The point is you can’t predict it. The best starting point is.. starting. This way every post can get a little bit more targeted with what you know works, and what you know doesn’t work.

If you don’t know what you’re technically doing to get a blog underway here’s a great post and video by Michael Hyatt on how to get started with a WordPress blog in under 20 minutes.

Now that it’s ready to go what do you do?

You write. Write a post as often as you can. Try to keep it consistent say every week, twice a week, or everyday if you have the time. The more you write and get feedback from viewers, the more you will be able to tweak your next post to make it that much more engaging and directed to your customers or audience.

No matter how much strategizing and planning you do, this is one area where you probably won’t be starting out of the gates at 100km/h. In fact you’ll probably be crawling, but that’s okay everyone else did too.

The only similarity between their highly successful and profitable blog and your newly started blog, is that you both started in the same place.

Joel Harrison

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