We Weren’t Designed for This Much Empathy

We Weren’t Designed for This Much Empathy

What is one of the most common past-times of the last 20 years? Checking social media. Or consuming media in general. How much? Many hours a day. What do we so often come across in the media? Tragedy, conflict, and danger. When we’re faced with this type of content...

The Change Maker’s Dilemma

How can we dedicate our lives to a specific mission while also keeping an open mind? I don’t think we can. As human beings, we don’t want to pursue a lifelong mission unless we’re convinced its 100% the best thing we can do for the world. So, to be...

Finally Interested in Creating Digital Content?

Remember that blog you started 10 years ago and only posted on twice? Or that “future plan” to start a podcast? It’s interesting how so many ears have perked up in the last few weeks about this online world. Not just marketing, but of doing business...

The Biggest Mistake People Make When Networking

With starting a podcast a few months ago, and being only several months into running Methodic Content, networking is something I’m doing A LOT. And I’ve noticed one big mistake that I see almost everyone making. Most people have no idea how others can help...

The Risks of Making Yourself Perfect in Content

It’s tempting to put out content at the extremes because, for one, it’s more entertaining and compelling, and two, it makes you ‘look better’. For a while. Let me explain. If you’re promoting zero-waste in your content, then naturally you...