My Work

Joel M. Harrison

Full Web Development

Evolucion Animal

Complete Website

Developed a new website for this animal shelter, including copy, design, and implementation. The website included a dog catalog with filtering and full translation to spanish.

See Live Website

Audio Edge

Complete Website

Created a new website including all copy with a strong focus on SEO for this wedding and event DJ company in Vancouver.

See Live Website

Mindfort Studio

Complete Brand & Website

My own business to focus creative efforts on the mental health industry. Designed the brand, copy, and full website implementation.

See Live Website


Complete Brand & Website

My own project [closed], a news and community website focused on the British Columbia social impact space. Designed the brand, copy, and full website implementation including membership platform and directory.

See Live Website

Brand Messaging & Page Copy

TrendiTech Inc.

Website – Copywriting

Developed the copy and site structure and informed graphic designers and web designers on implementation.

See Live Website

TechSoup (Accelerating Makers)

Website – Copywriting

Developed the copy and site structure and informed graphic designers and web designers on implementation.

See Live Website

Email Marketing


Newsletter Branding & Design

Developed the concept, design, and helped implement an email and content strategy for this purpose-driven CPG consulting firm.

See Full PDF


Welcome Email Copy

Created an automated welcome email that still gets raving comments like the one below, even years later .

See Full PDF

Nenno Behaviour Consultation Services

Newsletter Branding and Design

Behaviour Breakthroughs is a monthly email for parents with children who have behavioural issues and disabilities.

See Full PDF

Video Concepts and Scripting

The Pledge to Stop Food Waste

TrendiTech Inc. Campaign Video

From ideation to script writing and directing, I created this video  in partnership with a videographer to enhance Trendi’s campaign to stop food waste. The concept was centred on highlighting the universality of the food waste problem, and that it is a global problem that affects all people, not just a select few.

BioTrim Animated Explainer Video

TrendiTech Inc. Campaign Video

Trendi was working toward development of their prototype technology, BioTrim, and needed an explainer video to begin building a buzz. After writing the script, creating the storyboard, I worked with a video animation agency to create the final voiceover and animation.

Stop Shaming Oil & Gas CEOs About Climate Change

Personal Vlog

Inspired by the many conversations and content I saw that were demonizing people at companies that are damaging the environment. My personal perspective is that we should be more collaborative. Scripted, recorded and edited myself in my home office.


The Art of Impact (Renamed ‘With Intention’)

Joel M. Harrison Podcast

From ideation to script writing and directing, I created this video  in partnership with a videographer to enhance Trendi’s campaign to stop food waste. The concept was centred on highlighting the universality of the food waste problem, and that it is a global problem that affects all people, not just a select few.

Listen to “With Intention” on Spotify


Articles, Ads, Collateral

11 Years of New B Corporations in BC

Article on

Wrote a casual article on this media platform to dive into the trend of B Corp certifications in BC.

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Understanding Supply Chain Traceability on the Blockchain

Downloadable PDF

A client requested that I take raw material from their blockchain expert and create the final writing for a downloadable explainer pdf.

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Smoothie Ingredients Sales Collateral

2-Page Collateral for Trendi

Wrote and structured this PDF for the Trend sales team to use as leave-behind and email collateral.

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Rescued Ingredients for Beer Sales Collateral

2-Page Collateral for Trendi

A client requested that I take raw material from their blockchain expert and create the final writing for a downloadable explainer pdf.

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Subscription Giveaway Social Post

Copy and Design

Created this post to advertise the Social Impact Weekly newsletter I was running, in partnership with tentree clothing company.

See Full Graphic

Subscription Giveaway Social Post

Copy and Design

Wrote, photographed, and designed this social advertisement for my newsletter, in partnership with a podcast guest.

See Full Graphic