What I Learned Today 011: How To Increase Your Business’s Perceived Size

by | Jul 12, 2013 | Blog

People generally have higher respect for larger companies because it often means they’re more successful.

But what do you do when you’re the only employee? Here are 2 steps to make yourself appear much larger.

1) Departmentalized Yourself
Even if you’re the only one in your company. You can create different email addresses for operations like ‘Orders’, ‘Returns’, ‘Advertising’, ‘Manufacturing’, or whatever suits your business. Similarly if you use phone numbers. Set up a couple of toll free numbers with different department labels, but all forward to your number. This is a sure fire way to create the perception of a larger company.

2) Dumb down your title
Don’t refer to yourself as the CEO or founder. Something a little more down the ladder like Operations Manager or Director will give the impression of a little bit larger of a business.

Trickery? Possibly, but the way you’re perceived has a big impact on the business others want to do with you.


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