What I Learned Today 012: Learning vs. Distractions

by | Jul 12, 2013 | Blog

When it comes to distractions our devices and computers are often the culprit.

Turn them back into a tool for discovery and learning.

It’s hard not to get distracted from your work with all the dings, bleeps, blurps, and notifications of something begging for your attention. And it’s even worse when those are very slippery slopes we step onto. One thing leads to another and you’ve spent 15 minutes watching fail videos on YouTube or fluffy cat pictures on Pinterest.

But what if some of those distractions helped you learn something new? Maybe that ding was a new blog about marketing, or your Facebook feed had ‘5 tips to sell more online’. If you put these things in front of you, your inevitable distractions can become a benefit instead of a total hindrance.

So sign up to Facebook pages, videos, blogs that will teach you something about yourself, the work you do, or the world around you and give yourself the gift of learning new things everyday. It’s amazing how much information is right there waiting for you to consume it, and do something with. And, so much of it can be pushed straight to you and your devices.

Happy Learning

– Joel

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