Why Social Entrepreneurs Need a Personal Brand

by | Jan 22, 2020 | Blog

If we’re not watching you, we’re watching someone else.

The internet has made it possible for people to build a following, their own personal brand based around their experience, their personality, and their knowledge.

This can be done from within a company, or as a standalone brand. Think Gary Vaynerchuk in the business world, Bill Gates in philanthropy and change, and Dwayne Johnson in entertainment.

Now it’s your turn.

Social entrepreneurs need to put themselves out there and share their perspective in a public way. We need you to build a personal brand to inspire and teach the next wave of entrepreneurs, entertainers, and leaders about true value and impact.

The nice side effect? Increased awareness, exposure, and more customers or donors supporting your cause.

It’s a win win for everyone, and all it takes is for you to start writing, start a podcast, record videos, and share it with the world.

It’s not a one-off campaign. It’s a way of consciously working publicly in the world.

You can literally start today. No excuses.

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